Two million red blood cells die every second.
Cockroaches get lonely and even become ill if they are left alone for too long.
The chemical name for caffeine is 1,3,7-trimethylzantihine.
On average, a person will spend about five years eating during their lifetime.
The average US worker toils for two hours and 47 minutes of each working day just to pay income tax. Indeed, the average American pays more in taxes than for food, clothing and shelter put together.
It would take approximately twenty-four trees that are on average six to eight inches in diameter to produce one ton of newsprint for the Sunday edition of the New York Times.
The average dog is as intelligent as a two-year-old child.
Your ribs move about 5 million times a year, every time you breathe!
A sneeze leaves your body at 40 miles per hour.
In a lifetime, an average human produces 10,000 gallons of saliva.
Scientists say that babies that are breastfed are more likely to be slimmer as adults than those that are not breastfed.
It takes food seven seconds to go from the mouth to the stomach via the esophagus.
The average human head weighs about eight pounds.
On average, a person has two million sweat glands.
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